Tag Archives: Star Realms

Star Realms – Gambits

Howdy! It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted. I’ll post some Gloomhaven updates (and maybe another guide…) soon, but I thought I would get back into the swing of things with a post about Star Realms, a game I’m still playing incessantly on my tablet.

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Filed under 2 player games, card games

Keeping the computer in line

This is just a quick hitter of a post to share some petty revenge I took out on the computer. Yes, I actually spent time teaching a lesson to a machine that can never learn. Or can it…? Let’s take a look at what I did to that nasty Star Realms A.I.

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Star Realms – Colony Wars expansion

I reviewed Star Realms many moons ago and have talked about some of the strategy aspects a little more in depth in other posts. After playing the base game with a couple small expansions on my iPad approximately a billion times I decided to try out Colony Wars to freshen things up a bit. It’s more than just an expansion though; it’s a totally new deck that can play on its own. How does it compare to the original? Let’s take a look.

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Filed under 2 player games, card games

Star Realms strategy – red (Machine Cult faction)

Howdy, how are things? We’re back with another installation in the Star Realms series, this time looking at the Machine Cult faction, AKA the reds. One of the mid-tier colors (along with yellow), it’s very viable and probably the color I play the most, due to it having one of my favorite abilities in deckbuilding games.

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Star Realms strategy – blue (Trade Federation faction)

Hi! It’s been quite a while since I posted. We bought a house in April and it’s been a very busy summer so I’ve been slacking on the blog. We’re going to get back into it by looking at Star Realms some more, a game I talked about in the last couple posts. This time we’re going to look at the Trade Federation, or the blues as I call them.

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Star Realms strategy – green (Blob faction)

In the last post I talked about the differences in power between the various colors/factions of Star Realms. Now I’d like to go into a little more depth with the colors, starting with the big daddy, green.

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Star Realms strategy discussion

Real life has put a serious dent in my time lately, but I’m back with a look at a game I’ve been playing a lot whenever I get a chance. I reviewed Star Realms in an earlier post, and now that I’ve had a chance to play it some more (especially since I purchased the app and have played the computer a zillion times) I’d like to delve into it a little more and talk about a little strategy and the different factions (colors) in the game.

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Star Realms

Star Realms is one of those deckbuilding games I talked about in an earlier post. It is a very fun little game that has many of the common deckbuilding traits but also has some unique features that make it stand out from the crowd.

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Filed under 2 player games, card games

Deck-building games

Deck-building games are a relatively new type of card/board game that have become increasingly popular over the years. The first one was Dominion, a game I don’t care too much for and have talked about before, but I am a fan of some of the games that have followed it and since they seem to be getting more and more prevalent I thought I’d talk about them a bit.

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