Category Archives: Uncategorized

Gloomhaven – Jaws of the Lion review

Howdy! I mentioned in the last entry that I would talk about Jaws of the Lion, the prequel to the “big box” version of Gloomhaven, so here we go!

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Oh no, you first, I insist!

So you’ve just gotten a new game. You’ve read through all the rules, setup everything that you need for the start of the game, given everyone a quick description of how to play, and you’re ready to start. The inevitable next question: “Who goes first?” Different games have come up with different ways to determine that, and I wanted to talk a little bit about what is overall a minor, but interesting (to me at least!) aspect of gaming.

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Gloomhaven – Triangle Class Guide

So now that I have played Triangles all the way through 9th level I wanted to put a guide out there for the character. I guess less of a guide (“take these cards and build your character this way!”) and more of a review/talk about my experience with the character sort of thing. Obviously there will be huge spoilers for the Triangle class, so be warned! One other warning: this post is looooooooooooong 🙂

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Gloomhaven – Easy mode

Well, actually we were on Hard mode (+1 scenario level), but last week’s scenario was the easiest and fastest one we’ve had yet. I knew it would be an easy one for our group, but I didn’t know it would be that easy!

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Keeping the computer in line

This is just a quick hitter of a post to share some petty revenge I took out on the computer. Yes, I actually spent time teaching a lesson to a machine that can never learn. Or can it…? Let’s take a look at what I did to that nasty Star Realms A.I.

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A rant about rulebooks

This one has been brewing for a while. With so many millions of board games out there it’s inevitable that there’s going to be a wide variety of quality in terms of production values, content, fun, etc. Well one thing where there is a huge variation is rulebooks. Some are good, some are terrible, and most fall in between. I want to talk about this a little bit because like I said this one has been rolling around in my head for a while.

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Gloomhaven – The pandemic edition

No, I don’t mean there’s a crossover Gloomhaven/Pandemic board game out there, although that could be fun. It’s been a while since my last GH report and we’ve played a few sessions since then, most of them remotely, and I thought I’d talk about that experience a bit.

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Gloomhaven game day report #1

Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I wanted to do one of these after each game session we played but that didn’t work out. We just played our first session since that last post, and I’m going to talk about it a bit. I am going to mention a couple unlockable class names, and some other minor things so if you want to be that spoiler-free be warned!

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A new twist for Lords of Waterdeep – Revisited

Happy Thanksgiving 2019! An odd time for my first blog post in months, I know. But I’ve got the time and the opportunity right now so let’s go for it!

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A new twist for Lords of Waterdeep

As you know if you’re a regular reader of this blog, my wife and I have played Lords of Waterdeep A LOT. Hundreds of games, not to mention the thousand or so I’ve played on my iPad. We’ve already added quite a few house rules, but recently we took it a step further, adding a whole new wrinkle that will hopefully add some more longevity to the game.

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